Timed Quiz

Try solving 5 practice problems in 15 minutes. Then check your answers with step-by-step solutions. The time automatically starts when you open the first question.

Instructional Overview This tool is designed to mimic the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam in a digestible and repeatable format. The goal is to become familiar with the computer based test’s timing, structure, and material through consistent repetition.

The actual test contains 110 questions over a span of 5 hours and 20 minutes, or an average of ~3 minutes per question (2 min & 54 sec to be exact). The quiz countdown will begin once a tab below is clicked and the problem is displayed. You can freely cycle through any problem and edit answers either before submitting the quiz or the timer runs out.

Permissible to use a pen/pencil, scratch paper, a non-graphing calculator, and the latest FE Reference Handbook. The handbook should be displayed next to this quiz window to simultaneously view the problem and search the reference material. It’s best to attempt the quiz on a computer monitor.

The quiz uses a free form text box to record answers. For answers that can’t be typed out like graphs, diagrams, symbols etc, note your attempt on scratch paper or similar. Don’t forget to include units!

Time remaining:
15m 0s