Pressure Units

What are the base SI units for pressure?

Expand Hint
Pressure is a force applied perpendicularly over an area. The unit for pressure is a pascal (Pa).
Hint 2
A pascal is:
where $$N$$ is newton, and $$m$$ is meter.
Pressure is a force applied perpendicularly over an area. The unit for pressure is a pascal (Pa), which is one newton (N) per square meter.
A newton is a unit of force, which is described in the following SI base units:
$$$\frac{m\cdot kg}{s^{2}}$$$
Combining all units together:
$$$Pa=\frac{N}{m^2}=\frac{kg}{m\cdot s^2}$$$
$$$\frac{kg}{m\cdot s^2}$$$
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