2D Drawing Views
Consider the isometric view of a random object below. Sketch a rough cartoon (not to scale) of what the top, front, and side views would look like if you were making a 2D drawing.

Expand Hint
To help visualize the object (or for extra practice), it might help to make a 3D model in CAD based on the answer below.
Hint 2
Imagine what the object would look if viewed from the top-down (bird’s eye view), directly in front, and directly from the side.
First, let’s visualize the object directly from the top, looking downwards (bird’s eye view). We’d only see the section highlighted in red.

Next, let’s visualize the object directly from the front. We’d only see the sections highlighted in red.

Next, let’s visualize the object directly from the right side. We’d only see the sections highlighted in red.

Combining all the views together:

To help visualize the object (or for extra practice), it might help to make a 3D model in CAD based on the answer above.

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