Base Log

Solve the shown logarithm:

Expand Hint
The logarithm of $$x$$ to the Base $$b$$ is defined by
where $$b^c=x$$ .
Hint 2
Special definitions when $$b=e$$ or $$b=10$$ are:
  • ln $$x$$ → Base = $$e$$
  • log $$x$$ → Base = 10
The logarithm of $$x$$ to the Base $$b$$ is defined by
where $$b^c=x$$ . Special definitions when $$b=e$$ or $$b=10$$ are:
  • ln $$x$$ → Base = $$e$$
  • log $$x$$ → Base = 10

The problem is asking to solve for $$c$$ :
Factor 10 from 1,000:
$$$\frac{1,000}{10}=100\rightarrow \frac{100}{10}=10$$$
$$10$$ even appears three times in $$1,000$$ . Thus,
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  • Hint: Not clicked
  • Solution: Not clicked
  • Answer: Not clicked

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