The Polar Form

Convert the following into polar form:

Expand Hint
Complex numbers can be written in both rectangular and polar form. For rectangular form, a complex number is represented by both its real and imaginary components:
where $$a$$ is the real component, $$b$$ is the imaginary component, and $$j=\sqrt{-1}$$ which is often expressed as $$i=\sqrt{-1}$$ .
Hint 2
Polar form is
$$$z=c\: \angle \: \theta $$$
where $$c=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$$ (the vector’s length) and $$\theta=tan^{-1}(b/a)$$ . Note: $$a=c\:cos(\theta)$$ and $$b=c\:sin(\theta)$$ .
Complex numbers can be written in both rectangular and polar form. For rectangular form, a complex number is represented by both its real and imaginary components:
where $$a$$ is the real component, $$b$$ is the imaginary component, and $$j=\sqrt{-1}$$ which is often expressed as $$i=\sqrt{-1}$$ .

Thus, the rectangular coordinate form can be rewritten as:
$$$2-\sqrt{-1}\sqrt{25}\to 2-5i$$$
where $$a=2$$ and $$b=-5$$ .

Polar form is:
$$$z=c\: \angle \: \theta $$$
where $$c=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$$ (the vector’s length) and $$\theta=tan^{-1}(b/a)$$ . Note: $$a=c\:cos(\theta)$$ and $$b=c\:sin(\theta)$$ .

Finally, the polar form is:
$$$5.39 \: \angle \: -68.2^{\circ}$$$
$$$5.39 \: \angle \: -68.2^{\circ}$$$
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