
Find a negative root that satisfies the shown equation:

Expand Hint
Quadratic Equation Formula:
$$$x_1,x_2=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4\cdot a\cdot c}}{2a}$$$
Hint 2
Quadratic Equation Form:
Quadratic Equation Formula:
$$$x_1,x_2=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4\cdot a\cdot c}}{2a}$$$
Quadratic Equation Form:
$$$x_1,x_2=\frac{-50\pm \sqrt{50^{2}-4\cdot 25\cdot (-2)}}{2(25)}$$$
$$$x_1,x_2=\frac{-50\pm \sqrt{2,500-(-200)}}{50}$$$
$$$x_1,x_2=\frac{(-50\pm 51.96)}{50}$$$
Because $$x_2$$ is the only negative root, -2.04 is the answer.
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