Mohr’s Circle

In the element shown, what is the max in-plane shear stress in MPa?

Expand Hint
Mohr's Circle:
$$$R=\sqrt{(\frac{\sigma _{x}-\sigma_{y}}{2})^{2}+\tau_{xy}^{2}}$$$
Hint 2
$$\sigma_x$$ , $$\sigma_y$$ , and $$\tau_{xy}$$ are defined as:
From a constructed Mohr's Circle, the max in-plane shear stress occurs when $$\tau_{max}=R$$
$$$R=\sqrt{(\frac{\sigma _{x}-\sigma_{y}}{2})^{2}+\tau_{xy}^{2}}$$$
Thus, the max in-plane shear stress is:
$$$R=\sqrt{\left ( \frac{300-150}{2} \right )^{2}+50^{2}}=\sqrt{75^2+2,500}$$$
90.14 MPa
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